As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 minutes of:
3 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
3 Power Snatch 100#(70#)
6 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
6 Power Snatch 100#(70#)
9 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
9 Power Snatch 100#(70#)
12 Chest-to-bar Pull ups
12 Power Snatch 100#(70#)
Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB.

10 Questions With Matt Whewell
- So, Matt…. What’s your favorite baseball team, and why do you answer so?
The Cleveland Indians are my #1 sports team. I was raised a true Cleveland sports fan despite all of the torture the teams have put us through. I would watch the Tribe whenever I could. In matter of fact, my Grandma would send VHS tapes of the mid-90 teams with Belle, Ramirez, Baerga, Nagy, Alomar, Thome and Lofton. Those were some great teams and a timeframe us Cleveland fans remember like yesterday and pray comes back soon.
- When did you start doing CrossFit, and why?
I started CrossFit officially in March 2012. I was working for USA Swimming in Colorado Springs and during my lunch breaks, I would work out. My now fiancée would normally do cardio work during the lunch breaks and saw me doing my stuff which normally consisted of lifting then some high intensity, CrossFit-type training. She told me I should join her at her box, CrossFit SoCo, because I was basically doing the same stuff. After about 2 or 3 months of me blowing her off, I really wanted to just get her to stop asking me so I caved. After that first session, I’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid since.
- Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Denver?
My dad spent 21 years in the Air Force, all of which during my lifetime, but I was born in Cleveland, Ohio (hence being a Cleveland sports fan). I graduated high school in Northern Virginia and that’s where my parents live now so I would consider myself a Clevelander with a little bit of NoVa in me. Now what got me to Denver…it’s a bit of a long story but basically I got an opportunity at the end of January to work for the Rockies and get back into baseball after taking a 20-month break and working for USA Swimming.
- You are currently engaged to be betrothed in matrimony. Where did you meet the love of your life?
As sort of mentioned above or at least you might have been able to figure it out from Question 2, the love of my life and I met as we both worked for USA Swimming. I was on the business side doing PR and Social Media for the organization and she was working with the National Teams in sports performance, but we didn’t really work directly with one another. Working for USAS, we traveled quite a bit domestically and internationally so instead of hanging out with people we worked closely with on a daily basis when we had free time, Lisa and I ended up sightseeing with one another and that’s kind of how we “became one”.
- We have a lot of quality marriage experience here at Verve. What tips or questions would you like to ask the folks currently married?
Lisa is probably going to read this so I should be careful. I have been getting a lot of people talking about how the first year after the wedding has been the best year of their lives. What makes that first year so special? I might need to get everyone’s numbers because this is cheaper than going to a marriage counselor.
- What is the weirdest thing you put down on the registration for your marriage gifts?
Turkey and Ham Lunchables. It was either these or Kid Cuisines. Who doesn’t like a quick “reward snack”? Plus, they are a full meal with the entrée, a drink and a desert. Yummy!
- What do you appreciate about Verve?
What I really like about Verve is that everyone, especially coaches, have made Lisa and I feel welcomed since we started here. I also really like all of the mobility warm-ups we do. I never got into it before but since joining Verve I’ve learned that it actually feels kind of good.
- What’s your favorite workout, and why?
I don’t have one specific workout I would call my favorite. I really like the chipper-type workouts for the pacing aspect of them. The fast-paced workouts like a Fran, Angie or Elizabeth always get me because I burst out but can’t hold that pace and die.
- What keeps you doing CrossFit?
I could be cheesy and say the community and competition but really it comes down to me looking at myself in the mirror before and after I get out of the shower.
- What would you like us to know about you?
Despite coming off as a complete badass with all of my answers and you never, ever smiling, I really am a softie. My picture-perfect evening is cuddling (little spoon please) on the couch while sipping on a Vodka straight from my He-Man glass and watching New Girl.