5 Rounds for time:
7 Muscle Ups
21 Sumo deadlift high pull 95#(65#)
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Looking for a way to save some cash and eat healthier? Here’s 8 simply tips to help.
1. Squeeze lemon or lime juice into an ice tray and freeze it. Citrus can be hit or miss with sales so if you stock up when it’s on sale, this is a clever way to keep it until you need it.
2. Isolate the trouble fruit. Much like Thanksgiving at my family house, you have to keep the trouble makers separate. Apple, bananas, and peaches emit a gas that can ripen vegetables more quickly. Keep these separate to keep your veggies fresher longer.
3. Line the bottom of your crisper with paper towels. This absorbs moisture and keeps your fruit and veggies fresher longer.
4. If you neglect food you put in the crisper stop using the crisper. How many times have you thrown away food that was out of sight so you simply forgot it was there? If this is an issue for you, place the produce in bags in clear sight so you don’t forget them.
5. Some food don’t need the fridge. Keep avocados, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and sweet potatoes on the counter or in a drawer under it.
6. Freeze your herbs. Susan Belsinger, a culinary herbalist says that the best way she’s found to retain the flavor of herbs is to chop them up and mix them with some oil, so that it becomes an “aromatic paste,” which she then freezes, ostensibly in airtight plastic baggies.
7. You can revive limp carrots by peeling them and placing them in ice water. The carrots will absorb the water and gain some of their snap back.
8. No need to wash all your fruit, just the pieces you plan on eating now. The added moisture from washing invites mold and spoiling.
Check out these and more useful tips here.