Establish a one rep max thruster in 15 Minutes:
Then, every minute on the minute for 12 Minutes:
2 thrusters @ 70% of one rep max + 5 box jumps 20″

A great testimonial from one of our athletes:
I just wanted to say thanks for everything and everyone at Verve. Today I had 1 of my 2 annual fire department physical tests and absolutely blew the doors of anything I’ve accomplished in the past. Since, joining Verve about 10 months ago when this exam was last performed I’ve dropped 12 pounds and lost 5% body fat. I couldn’t have done it without the coaches and the sickbird friends that I get to work out with every day!
When I came to Verve I always considered myself pretty much in shape and not overweight in any way. I was wrong! My first workout at Verve was the “Twelve days of X-Mas” and I pretty much thought I was going to die. I realized real quick I had and still have a lot of work to do. I’m actually excited for Dec. 23rd to role around so I can sing that tune again! What I have come to realize is the difference of being in shape and being fit. (I now see ninja’s as wimps!) I wouldn’t know the difference if it wasn’t for all of you. I can accomplish things now pushing 40 that I couldn’t come close to doing in my 20’s and I was competing at a pretty high level back then.
I look forward to walking through that door every day and facing the new challenges you throw at us, whatever they may be. (Even if Joylyn reminds me I need rest days too… Thanks by the way) My entire life, I never went to a gym because I couldn’t stand working out and Verve has made it so I can’t wait to get back. The coaches that lead us and the friends that push me to try harder, your all awesome! Really what I’m trying to say is everyone at Verve rocks and you’ve all made me a better person in many ways.
Thanks again,
PS “I don’t know how” and I don’t know when, but one of these days Clancy…. I’m gonna catch ya 🙂
A note to check the calendar as we have an abridged schedule on Weds, Thurs, and Friday due to the Holiday.