Three position power snatch x5 (50%,55%,60%,70%,70%)
1 Tall power snatch
1 Mid-thigh power snatch
1 Power snatch
Post loads to comments and BTWB.

CrossFit Verve will be starting the second kids session starting July 21st. We will be building on the movements that the kids learned in the first session. Also, movements from the first session will be reviewed and perfected as they are the basis to safe and effective movements. The first session was met with great success with eleven kids participating for six weeks. Kids and parents alike enjoyed the fun. Here is some of the feedback from the first session: “The kids demo the movements they learned that day and make up their own workouts at home” “____ has lost weight and gained more self-confidence.”
Session 2 will run for six weeks on Saturdays at 1:30pm starting July 21st and ending August 25th. Kids will range from 5 to 12 years old. We have made a few minor tweaks and adjustments, including class time will be 45 minutes long. The class set up will consist of a warm up, skillz, the “main event”, and of course a game!
The Kids program is not just a “scaled” down version of CrossFit for adults. It combines, gymnastics, bodyweight calisthenics, and weightlifting elements without weight. If you are interested, you can purchase your Kids pass here. We also offer a two kiddo pass at a discounted rate.