For time:
Run 800m forwards
Run 400m backwards
Run 800m forwards
Run 400m backwards
Post time to Beyond The Whiteboard.

The CrossFit Games Checklist
It’s almost here; the CrossFit Games in Carson, CA are less than two weeks away and the anticipation is building. The CrossFit Games represent the pinacle of what’s possible in our sport. Every year, as the Games grow nearer, you can’t help but imagine what amazing tasks the athlete’s will have to complete. Then, you can’t help but put yourself in the athlete’s shoes and wonder if you’re capable of the same task. But, being at the Games requires more than imagination… even as a spectator.
I’ve polled a few of the CrossFit Games veteran spectators to come up with a list of “don’t forgets”. Of the spectators polled, each named a hat as a must-have. Some mentioned a sun hat, others said a baseball cap would suffice. Second on the list is a boat load of sunscreen, whether it’s the aerosol type or lotion – have it and plenty of it. Next, have a long sleeve shirt to escape direct sunlight, in addition to keeping you warm on the breezy evenings. Last on the list of must-have’s is a way to carry water. Whether it’s a camelback or a large nalgene, you’re going to be sweating alot and you’ll need to replenish your fluids.
The veteran spectators also had a few “should-have’s”. A couple stated that having cash might be a good idea, as the Paleo food vendor only accepted greenbacks. One or two stated that a small cooler was allowed last year, which really cut down the cost of food at the Home Depot Center. Along that same line, two of the veterans said that having snacks would have been nice throughout the day. They all agreed with Louie, “Not having a plan is a plan to fail”.
Reminder: Wednesday, July 4th we’ll have a limited schedule. Please check MindBody for an up-to-date list of classes. Please note, that all Dad’s are invited to join the “Mom’s” class for a little family fun. Please sign up and bring the whole family!