Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
18 Box jumps, 24″ box
15 Toes to bar
12 Bent over rows
Post rounds completed to comments.
Welcome 2012! What a New Year we have had so far!
How has everyones first days of the challenge gone?
New class times and wait list woes. It’s that time of the year again when classes get fuller and wait lists get longer. We are lucky to have so many amazing members coming into our doors each day. More people are getting fitter and healthier by the minute. This month we’ve added some new classes to help elevate the New Year pressure cooker. Please remember to cancel any classes you will not be able to attend, and beware of scheduling yourself into multiple WOD’s in the same day.
New classes and changes:
Hot dogs and cupcakes is now on a consistent schedule of Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, with 2 class times each day. 4:30pm and 5:30pm.
Endurance is once a week, Tuesday at 6am.
7:30pm WOD each Monday and Wednesday night.
CrossFit Mom’s 2X a week Wednesday and Friday at 10am.
9am WOD Tuesday’s and Thursday’s
And what many of you have been waiting for, OPEN GYM time. Tuesday and Thursday for 1 hour from 7:30am – 8:30am and Saturday for an hour and a half from 11am – 12:30pm
NOTE: Classes must maintain a minimum of 5 athletes to keep on the schedule.
Open Gym Rules:
Be Patient Accidents & injuries usually come as a result of impatience. Don’t be greedy. Slow down. Ask questions. Ask for help.
Clean Up Put away all your equipment after each workout. You don’t want to pick up the last class’ crap so don’t make them or the trainers pick up yours. Clean up sweat, spit, blood, chalk, dirt, vomit, handprints, and whatever else you’ve left behind.
Listen We are the coaches and don’t want to see anyone get hurt or develop bad habits. When we tell you to reduce weight, stop, or do something, LISTEN and DO IT. We are here to provide a safe and motivating environment designed for your success.
Check “IT” at the door. Have some baggage? Emotional issues? An ego? Don’t bring that stuff into the gym. CrossFit Verve is a cathedral of physical performance. Clear your mind and work hard. When you’re done and you leave, you will be refreshed and your issues will be easier to deal with. Really. One final warning about ego… Sometimes it’s hard to let this go. CrossFit is magical in it’s ability to wreck egos. You have been warned.
Sign up. All athletes must be signed up in MBO to attend open gym.
Children We love kids here at CrossFit Verve and think it’s important for them to see their parents leading active, healthy lives. However, we also want to keep kids and everyone else in our gym safe. We are sorry but there are no kids allowed during open gym time, no exceptions.
Leave on time: Please respect the open gym hours and the time of the trainers.
Have Fun Yes, it’ll hurt. So what? Have fun with it. CrossFit Verve is a playground and while we’re constantly increasing work capacity, we’re having a blast at the same time. Agony and laughter… who knew they were so compatible?