Ten rounds for time of:
10 Dumbell thrusters, 40#/25#
10 Burpees
Post time to comments.
Second place male for Paleo Challenge, Greg Bernstein.
Greg has made an amazing lifestyle change this past few months. For the challenge he lost 17 pounds and 3 inches off his waist. Greg's average body composition change was 7%. WOW, really in one month of eating lean meats, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR! Yes that's how he did it and is now going longer to compete with his brother to see who lasts the longest. We are super proud Greg, keep it up.
Patty caught red handed with a paleo kit to keep her fueled.
Patty White is the second place winner for the females in our paleo challenge. She lost 10 pounds in one month and is boasting how she is now fitting into her skinny pants. Patty also lost 4.5 inches off her waist and 2 inches off her hips for an average body composition change of 7%. Awesome job Patty, keep it up!
CONGRATULATIONS to all four winners! We will be delivering the prizes the week of the 12th. Keep up the lifestyle, it will truly change the future of your health.