Every 2:00 x 5
3 Push press @ 80 – 90% of last week’s heaviest push press
Rest 3:00 then,
Every 2:00 x 5
3 Push jerk @ 80 – 90% of last week’s heaviest push jerk
*Use the same weight for all 5 sets of each lift.
Rest 5:00 then,
4 Rounds for time of:
Row 20(15) calories
10 Shoulder to overhead
Rest 1:00 between each round
Rd 1 = 75#(55#)
Rd 2 = 95#(65#)
Rd 3 = 115#(75#)
Rd 4 = 135#(95#)
Score = total time including the rest
4 Minute Clock x 5 Rounds:
21 KB Swings
200m Run
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds.