Thursday 180621



As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar pull-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 20#(14#) to 10′ target
15 Kettlebell swings, 53#(35#)

Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB

When one of you likes doing post WOD abs more than the other.

Alright it’s time to take a poll, raise your hand if:

  • You have ever torn your hands in a workout
  • You have torn your hands so bad in a workout they bled
  • You have torn your hands in a workout, they didn’t bleed but you got to rip away some solid chunks of skin
  • You have torn your hands in a workout and did not stop working out, hence you continued to touch things around the gym with your torn hands
  • You have scraped your shin in a workout
  • You have scraped your shin so bad in a workout it bled
  • You have scraped your shin on a barbell in a workout and did not stop working out, hence you started leaving a solid ring of blood on a barbell
  • You have sweat in a workout
  • You have sweat so much in a workout, there is an actual puddle where you were performing the workout
  • You have left visible sweat on a piece of equipment other than the floor during a workout . . . . . . 

Now raise your hand if:

  • You left the gym without cleaning any of these things up
  • You didn’t know it was your responsibility to clean these things up

This post is not meant to be a shaming post. I really don’t believe in shaming someone, especially if the someone has not been told the ins and outs/ etiquette that I am referencing above. This post is actually meant to do just that. Inform the new and veteran alike about some expectations we have at Verve regarding cleanliness and sanitation, and what your role as a member is in all that.

I think almost everyone knows that we would love for you to put away any equipment that you used, and put it away in it’s appropriate spot. But before you put it away, or if what you used it permanently affixed and cannot be put away, before you leave your workout area, we would love it if you cleaned it off of all your bodily fluids. We like to think of ourselves as a family, just not that kind of family. 

Stuff happens in the gym. Hands tear. Shins bleed. Dry hands get the world’s smallest nick and bleed like a murder scene. There has been pee. Yeah, I said it. Pee happens. Spit happens. Sweat MOST definitely happens. We get it. Just please clean it up. Because, if you were not aware of this, when you are done, someone else is coming in right behind you. And they were planning to use the same equipment. You wanna hear something gross? How about hoping up to do a pull-up and coming off the pull-up bar with a hand full of blood. . . that’s not yours. Or grabbing a barbell and finding dried blood where you were about to put your hands. Goo. It’s icky. Stop the ick. 

Yes, we regularly clean the gym. But we would appreciate your help with this kind of cleaning. It’s super simple, if you broke skin (even if there is no blood present) wipe down EVERYTHING it touched. And if it leaves behind a puddle that even you would not want to touch, wipe it up. We have Clorox wipes all over the gym as well as spray bottles with something a little stronger. Let us know what you need and we will get it to you. 

Remember, sharing is caring. Except for bodily fluids. 

━ Past WODs

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