5 Rounds for time of:
40(32) Calorie row
100′ Sled push or sled pull
400 Meter run
Post times to comments and BTWB
The 2018 CrossFit Games Open AND the 2018 Verve Open Team Cup. . . let’s do this!
This Saturday is the kick off party to start the CrossFit Games Open at Verve. Saturday we have our draft party from 1pm-3pm. Here are some details about the draft:
- If you are signed up for the Open, you are eligible to be drafted to one of four teams at Verve.
- The captains and co-captains of these four teams will be participating in the draft, picking people to be on their teams. They will be picking from the Games site registration list printed out the morning of. . . so get signed up now.
- As the draft rounds continue, the number of picks will increase. Meaning that in the final rounds, captains and co-captains will be picking 3-5 people at a time, so absolutely no one single person will be picked last.
- While the draft is happening, enjoy food, drinks, and cornhole. . . and some fun smack talk.
But seriously, first you MUST be signed up for the 2018 CrossFit Games Open. The cost to register for the Open is $20, you can click here to register.
- So to be very clear, if you are not registered for the Open, you CANNOT be drafted to a team. Which means no fun.
- When you register please select CrossFit Verve as your affiliate AND as your team.
If your profile does not immediately reflect this information, do not worry as I am currently in communication with CrossFit to get it figured out. As far as the Open goes, we are all Team Verve. If you already registered but did not fill in the above mentioned information, you can simply go back and edit/ update your profile.
Now that you are registered and as of Saturday you are on a team at Verve, how can one earn points for their team during the Open?
- Every member of the team that performs the Open workout with a judge and submits a score for validation, earns 1 point.
- If you are not signed up for the Open, do not have your work out judged, and/ or miss the deadline to submit your score for validation, then you do not earn a point.
- You will not earn extra points for repeating the workout, 1 point per person per week.
- If you take and pass the judge’s course, you will earn 2 points for your team.
- You must submit a copy of the certificate after passing the course.
- Even if you took and passed the judge’s course last year, you need to retake it this year. The test is new every year.
- Click here to take the judge’s course.
- If your you are one of the top 3 men or top 3 women scores in both the RX and scaled divisions, you will earn your team 3 points.
- It does not matter if you are 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, each person still gets 3 points.
- If you are the male or female athlete of the week, you will earn 5 points for your team.
- Athlete of the week is chosen by trainers and is based on more than performance. It can be based on effort, sportsmanship, overcoming a challenge, etc.
- Each week one team captain will pick a theme, i.e. “your favorite Verve t-shirt”. If you show up for Friday Night Lights and perform the workout wearing your favorite Verve t-shirt, you will earn 1 point for your team.
- Your adherence to the theme must be visible/ obvious. If you can’t figure out what I mean by visible/ obvious, and you attempt to point out a single polka dot of color on their left sock. . . . no. Just no.
- This is only good for the Friday Night Lights workout, it will not count for any other time the workout is performed.
So teammates, with the exception of taking the judge’s course (as that is only a one time point related deal), you can potentially earn 10 points for your team EACH WEEK!!
So make sure to get signed up for the Open. Make sure you list Verve as your affiliate and team. And get this done before This Saturday the 17th so you can be drafted to a team!!
What do you get out of this? Besides just good fun team camaraderie for the next 5 weeks? The winning team will get a bar tab locally to celebrate the end of the Open and they will win the Chanly Cup. The what? Oh, just you wait to hear about this AMAZING trophy that’s making it’s inaugural debut this year.
More details will come in Monday’s post, especially with days and times to perform the workouts and some fun prizes that will be popping up throughout the next 5 weeks. Get EXCITED!!!!