On the minute for 25 minutes:
Minute 1 = Strict pull-ups
Minute 2 = GHD sit-up
Minute 3 = Strict HSPU
Minute 4 = Double unders
Minute 5 = Rest
Post numbers to comments and BTWB

Verve is excited to announce a new partnership with Zach Harmon of RePeak Sports & Rehab. Zach will be setting up shop in Verve several days a week, providing in-house physical therapy.
“When was the last time you got a screen to make sure your movement system is running optimally? Have you ever wondered what kind of mobility warm-up you should be doing for your specific body? Are the exercises that you are using best suited for your body type? Guess no more with a full movement screen done by a Doctor of Physical Therapy that has extensive knowledge in sport performance training who can develop a program specific to your body type to carefully choose exercises that help you get stronger. This program will help give you a detailed warm-up before workouts, a good cooldown routine after workouts, and educate you about what types of squats or deadlift variations are best for your body type. We all are uniquely shaped and our specialists at RePeak can help you stop guessing which exercises are best for you to give you the peace of mind of knowing you’re treating your body right.”
Here are some of the services Zach is able to provide:
20 Minutes Restore and Recovery: These sessions are aimed to help with post or pre workout soreness and viewed as maintance care. I will tailor it to the patient/client. It can have cupping, adjustments (manipulation: cracking), eventually needling, instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation, massage buffer, wireless electrical stimulation, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, active release technique (pin/stretch), and joint mobilizations with movement. I try to learn all the manual techniques and tailor the session for each patient.
45 or 60 Minute Physical Therapy Treatment: This includes a balanced approach of manual therapy and movement analysis/exercises for rehab.
Initial Evaluation (more of a whole body approach): Used to identify the root source of your injury. This could be highlighting a true joint restriction, stability/motor control issue, over loading or too much volume leading to injury, breathing patterns, nutrition, sleep. Then giving a detailed plan to return to crossfit while working on the problem with proper modifications.
Movement Screen: A full body screen to tell you what joints are a mobility restriction or stability/motor control issue.
Personal Training (30 or 60 min): This could be working on additional work before fulling returning to unrestricted WOD’s or working on specific skills that there may not be time for in class. OR I have some clients who are powerlifters/bodybuilders with specific goals that I work with as well.
This sounds GREAT!! So how does all this work? Well, you will not be able to just pop your head in and ask Zach to help you out with a few things. Zach will be seeing folks by apt only. But hey, how convenient is it to make an apt to see someone at the place you were already going to anyway? Zach will be taking all of his appointments via online scheduling. He does not currently have the Verve schedule set up, we will keep you updated when it goes live. For now, please feel free to explore his website (click here), which includes his pricing. Verve members will be able to enjoy the same price rates as “CrossFit DECO Members”.
Zach is excited to meet you all, he will even be enjoying a Verve class on occasion. Please remember that his services will be limited to his hours provided in the schedule and by apt only.