Row 5 minutes for meters
Rest 5 minutes
Row 5 minutes for meters
Rest 5 minutes
Row 5 minutes for meters
Post meters to comments and BTWB
Be honest, on a scale of 1- you haven’t left your house in several days cause you can’t walk down the stairs. . . , how sore are you??
If the answer is you’ve been working from home since Monday’s squat session, then you NEED to come in to Verve today. Rowing will be a phenomenal way to work that lactic acid out and start breaking the cycle of soreness. Thursday is your rest day?? Maybe change it up this week and head in for some rowing and the return of no fear when you see stairs. This will also help after yesterday’s deadlift workout. Do yourself a favor and sign up for class on this exceptional Thursday. And show up to said class. 😉
In 2002 the CrossFit Journal published and article titled “What is Fitness?”. In this article Coach Glassman introduce the Theoretical Hierarchy of the Development of an Athlete, something that was depicted with the above pyramid. What it tells us is every level builds off the level below it. Nutrition provides the fuel and raw materials necessary for all of life’s processes, effecting every level above it. You can think of this as a house and nutrition is the foundation upon which you will build it. So it is entirely within your control to build the strongest foundation possible for optimal health and performance. That’s the good news and the bad news, because taking control of what we put into our pie holes tends to be an issue for some of us.
We are constantly being bombarded with the false idea that our weight issues are merely one of an energy imbalance, in order to seek optimal health and aesthetics we simply need to have greater calories out than calories in. And while there is some truth to this, it’s not the whole truth. Because it’s not just a matter of how much we eat but more importantly it’s about what we eat. What foods we consume has a greater impact than just simply how much of it we consume. And this folks, this is what is truly difficult for so many of us. We are so willing to do “whatever it takes” to lose weight but really we aren’t. We are willing to do what is convenient and easy, and surprisingly sweating our butts off in the gym for an hour a day is more convenient and easy than not having a glass of wine or beer at happy hour with friends or skipping the wings on football night.
Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. Action is power. Now is the best opportunity for you to get the knowledge needed to take action. Verve’s own Paul Buono, also of Hatch Nutrition, will be giving 3 separate nutrition talks. Topics across all 3 talks will include: Talking about general health and wellness with the focus on habits that create long-term and sustainable results. The introduction of macronutrients and weighing and measuring our food. There will be talk about caloric deficits and the pros and cons of this. And how to eat to maximize performance in the gym.
These talks will build off each other, they are not repeat events. The first talk will be Wednesday September 27th at 7:30pm-8:30pm at Verve. The following talks will be approx 3 weeks apart. These talks are free to Verve members. The cost to attend these talks for non Verve members is $10/ talk. We will have a sign up sheet at Verve for Verve members to sign up on, non members will sign up in MBO.
This information is not just for those that participate in CrossFit or any other organized fitness program. These talks are for anyone that recognizes they may need to make a change in their nutritional habits. Changes in our nutrition can help us get off of blood pressure medication, decrease the likelihood of getting type II diabetes, ward off high cholesterol, decrease body fat and ease joint pain. There are endless benefits to improving the quality of food we consume. And there is deadline to start.
Got any questions, let us know in the comments.