3 Rounds for time:
21 Hang power snatch, 75#(55#)
12 Chest to bar pull-ups
400m run
Post times to comments and BTWB
Verve Barbell Club is back.
Do you too like to lift barbells also? Well allow myself introduce, myself. I am the newest cycle of the Verve Barbell Club.
That’s right folks. Verve Barbell Club will be starting it’s next cycle this coming Monday, February 20th. This cycle will be a little different then the last one, it will be an 8 week cycle with class 3 days per week.
Here’s the schedule: Monday/ Tuesday/ Thursday @ 7-8pm
Now, some of you may be saying to yourself, “the cycle runs right through the 2017 CrossFit Open. How is that going to work?” It’s quite simple folks, this is something we have already thought about when the programming for this cycle was written. The program will include work on barbell cycling, moving moderate weight faster, as well as other barbell skill work to aid in prepping for the Open. It will still include heavy work, but again taking into account the Open, efforts will be made to ensure you get strong without negatively effecting your Open performance.
Verve Barbell Club is a stand alone program with it’s own membership. Which means you do not need to be a Verve member to become a member of the Verve Barbell Club. Here is the pricing for this cycle:
*Current Verve member wishing to add this program onto their current membership= $50 (for the entire 8 week cycle)
*Non Verve member wishing to simply gain access to Verve Barbell Club only= $200 (for entire 8 week cycle)
*VBC membership costs are to be paid up front, prior to first class. They can not be attached to your monthly membership. There are no prorated amounts to account for any missed days, as programming will be made available to VBC members.
What are the requirements to join Verve Barbell Club? Consistent attendance 4+ days per week in CrossFit for a minimum of 6 months. This class will not have a formal warm-up or movement review. Members are expected to show up at least 10 minutes prior to class to get themselves warmed-up. Members need to have understanding of and experience with the power lifts (back squat, deadlift, bench press) and the Olympic lifts (clean, jerk, snatch). This class is not designed to teach these movements. Members will be moving for the entire hour, transitioning between different lifts, working at various percentages, and responsible for keeping track of their owns numbers/ weights. The goal of the specialized programming is build confidence, consistency, and strength. A trainer will be present, predominantly to keep class moving and remain on track.
Want in? Please email info@crossfitverve.com to set up payment and get registered. Please do this prior to the start of the first class (Monday February 20th @7pm). Got questions? Please email courtney@crossfitverve.com and I will get you squared away.