Take 20 minutes to establish a heavy complex of:
1 Squat clean + 4 front squats
Then, every minute on the minute x 5 minutes:
1 Clean + 2 front Squats @ 80% of today’s heaviest complex
Compare to 10/15/15
Post loads to comments and BTWB

This woman holds a very special place in Verve’s heart. For one, she is THE BEST momager. Ever. Any attempts to refute will be promptly shut down. Second, whenever Verve has needed assistance. . . with like anything, she is there before we even finish asking the favor. Which is exactly how it went down when we went to her about setting up a site for both registration and the leaderboard for Saturday’s competition. As it turns out, Miss Dangoia, and several others, were already working on a new system for such a purpose. Their company goes by the name Fitknowlogy.
While they were not up and running during the registration process, Verve got a sneak-peek at the Fitknowlogy system during the #ItTakesATeam competition this past weekend, as the first official “beta” users of the site! The company is set to launch their full solution in April 2016 following the conclusion of the CrossFit Games Open.
Fitknowlogy provides a single, easy-to-use interface for both online & onsite competition management. The application manages competitor registration, payment, and score/leaderboard management – with many more features in the pipeline for development (heat management, timing chip integration, text message alerts, etc).
Several current & former Verve athletes play a crucial role in this new company: Danielle Dangoia (CEO), Josh Schall (COO), and Amy Schaeffer (VP – Client Services).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fitknowlogy-989470231103955/
Instagram: @fitknowlogy
Twitter: @fitknowlogy
Why do we bring all this up? Because we always believe in giving credit where credit is due. Some of you may have noticed (prior to me shutting it down during the 3rd and final workout on Saturday to keep the winners a surprise), that within minutes of the completion of each event, scores and placings were promptly announced. Danielle was responsible for doing all the math/ number crunching, and quickly imputed it into the Fitknowlogy site for immediate reference for anyone wanting to know their teams standings. It was an easy and quick system that deserves a round of applause for it’s beta test. Also we want anyone to know how they can make use of this system in the future. Got a competition you are putting together? Need an online site to organize it? We at Verve would like to highly recommend this one.
Thank you again Danielle. Not just for all your hard work leading up to Saturday and the hard work on Saturday but for everything you do that, quite frankly, helps make us look good.