*These deadlifts will be performed with a controlled return and a brief hand release on the ground to let the bar “die” before lifting again.
Compare to 8/6/15
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This Saturday Verve is hosting it’s first competition. Here are the workouts for the “It Takes A Team” Challenge:
Workout #1: Max pounds moved from hang to overhead in 8 minutes
At 3, 2, 1, go. . . one team member will deadlift the bar and begin accumulating reps from the hang to overhead. Teammates may switch out at any time, there is no minimum work requirement. Judge will keep track of total reps accumulated throughout the 8 minutes. Score is total reps x weight used.
-Team must choose the weight to be used prior to start of workout. The weight will be loaded prior to start of workout. Once the barbell is loaded, weight may not be changed. Minimum weight increment is 5#.
– Once the bar has been taken from the ground, it may not touch the ground again until the end of the 8 minutes. The barbell must be transferred between teammates without being dropped. The barbell MAY NOT be transferred behind the neck/ behind the body. If the barbell is dropped/ touches the ground or is transferred from behind, there will be a 5 burpee penalty that must be performed by each team member at the time of the infraction and before work can be continued.
– Athletes may use any style to get the weight from the hang position to overhead (clean & jerk, clean & press, snatch, etc). Bar cannot pass the knees and must finish in a locked out position overhead with full extension of knees, hips, and arms.
Workout #2: CrossFit triplet for time
60 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg(16kg)
60 Box Jump Overs, 24”(20”)
15 Toes to Bar
45 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg(16kg)
45 Box Jump Overs, 24”(20”)
15 Toes to Bar
30 Kettlebell Swings, 24kg(16kg)
30 Box Jump Overs, 24”(20”)
15 Toes to Bar
15 Kettlebell swings, 24kg(16kg)
15 Box Jump Overs, 24”(20”)
15 Toes to Bar
At 3, 2, 1, go. . . one team member will begin the kettlebell swings, only one athlete may work at a time. Teammates may switch out at any time, there is no minimum work requirement. When the KB swings are completed, athletes may begin working on the box jump overs, again athletes may switch at any time, there is no minimum work requirement. Once the BJO are completed athletes must go as a team to the pull-up structure and perform 15 toes to bar. Athletes may switch at any time, there is no minimum work requirement. Athletes must then move as a team back to their KB and box, both items must be moved forward to the area designated for the set of 45 reps before they may begin working. The work out will continue in this fashion until all work is competed or the time cap of 14 minutes is reached. If the time cap is reached, :01 will be added for each rep not completed.
– This triplet has 2 variations, the men may choose to use a 20kg KB and the women may choose to use a 12kg KB. . . the reps of the KB work ONLY will increase. There are no changes to the box height or reps for BJO and TTB.
If the men choose to use 20kg:
60 Kettlebell Swings
60 Box Jump Overs
15 Toe to Bar
50 Kettlebell Swings
45 Box Jump Overs
15 Toe to Bar
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Box Jump Overs
15 Toe to Bar
30 Kettlebell swings
15 Box Jump Overs
15 Toe to Bar
If the women choose to use 12kg:
65 Kettlebell Swings
60 Box Jump Overs
15 Toes to Bar
55 Kettlebell Swings
45 Box Jump Overs
15 Toes to Bar
45 Kettlebell Swings
30 Box Jump Overs
15 Toes to Bar
35 Kettlebell swings
15 Box Jump Overs
15 Toes to Bar
-Teams must pick the KB weight they want prior to the start of the workout. The weight may not be changed after the workout has started.
-KB must finished locked out overhead. KB must be set down on the ground with control. If the KB is dropped, there will be a 5 burpee penalty that must be performed by each team member at the time of the infraction and before work can be continued.
-For BJO rep to count athlete must get from one side of the box to the other. Athletes may completely jump over the box, athletes may jump with two feet on top of the box, or may step up onto the box in order to get to the other side. If an athlete chooses to step up, both feet must touch the top of the box before they may step down/ jump down onto the other side.
-For TTB rep to count it must start with feet breaking the plane of the bar on the back swing and finish with both toes touching the bar at the same time. Feet must touch the bar inside both hands.
-Any reps performed in the wrong designated area will not be counted. It will be up to the team to make sure they move all equipment across their lane as they move through the workout.
-A team’s time ends when the whole team is standing on the finish mat.
Workout #3: As many reps as possible in 18 minutes
At 3, 2, 1, go. . . one team member will begin rowing for max calories in 5 minutes. Teammates must switch out every 15 calories. At the call of 5 minutes, one team member will begin accumulating as many burpees over the rower as possible in 5 minutes. Teammates may switch out when ever they want, there is no minimum work requirement. At the call of minute 10, one team member will begin accumulating as many wall balls as possible in 5 minutes. Judge will keep track of total wall ball reps. Score for wall ball portion is total reps x weight used. At the call of minute 15, one team member will have 1 minute to accumulate as many pulling points possible. At the call of minute 16 the second team member will have 1 minute to accumulate as many pulling points as possible. At the call of minute 17, the final team member will have 1 minute to accumulate as many pulling points as possible. The end of this final minute will mark the end of the 18 minute AMRAP. There is no transition time between workout pieces. This workout will have 5 separate scores:
3a= Total calories
3b= Total burpees
3c= Total weight moved
3d= Total pull-up points between all 3 teammates
3f= Total score a+b+c+d
– One team member may start seated on the rower. Teammates must switch every 15 calories. If the rower hits 15 calories and the seated athlete takes an extra pull there will be a 5 burpee penalty that must be performed by each team member at the time of the infraction and before work can be continued.
– Burpees will be performed with athletes head towards the flywheel. The burpee must be a 2 footed jump and a 2 footed land, there is no stepping over the rower. Athletes do not need to clap overhead.
– Teams must pick their wall ball weight prior to the start of the workout. The wall ball height is 10’ for everyone. The weight may not be changed after the workout has started. Once the wall ball is picked up it may not touch the ground until the end of the 5 minutes. Athletes can pass in the air or hand it over. If the wall ball touches the ground, there will be a 5 burpee penalty that must be performed by each team member at the time of the infraction and before work can be continued.
– Each teammate will be able to choose which pulling movement they wish to perform during their 1 minute. Pull-ups are worth 1 pt. Chest to bar pull-ups are worth 2 pts. Ring muscle-ups are worth 3 pts. Athletes must choose their pulling movement prior to the start of the workout. The movement may not be changed once the workout has started. An athlete that has chosen chest to bar and fails to get their chest to the bar WILL NOT get any credit for getting their chin over the bar.