Complete 3 rounds for time of:
30 squat cleans, 95(65)#
30 pull-ups
Run 800 meters
Post time to comments and BTWB
Crossfit is not a delicate sport. Our own bodies are a testament to the rugged work we do. We have torn hands, bruised shins, rope burned ankles, and sore/ achy muscles. As we get beat up by our workout so does the equipment we use. Just as is it important to take care of ourselves, it is also important to take care of the equipment that gets us through the WOD. A few items have found themselves the worse for wear, completely to be expected. However some of these items were found in this state of disrepair long after they got that way. Equipment breaks. Equipment that gets used breaks. Equipment that gets used the way it was intended and with great frequency, breaks. Life goes on and things get replaced. The key is for the trainers of Verve to be aware of it so we may replace it quicker. Should something break while in your care, or if you go to use something and find it broken please let a trainer know. We strive to have a clean gym filled with the best toys. We want you to have access to as much working equipment as possible, if we don’t know we can’t do anything about it, and that’s really just sad for you.
Although we are knowing rough on our equipment it is still important to take as much care of it as possible. We want to increase the life span of our equipment for as long as possible. Some things to think about: returning all barbells, dumbbells, and kettle bells to the ground with control. Tossing or dropping these items from a height above the waist cannot only damage the equipment but also the flooring . . . any maybe anyone whose shins happen to be in the neighborhood of your bouncing barbell. The safety of ourselves and our fellow athletes is important in this matter too.
A few additional reminders for continued success in your training, “Ok, well don’t you think that the Samsonite people, in some crazy scheme to make a profit, made more then one black suitcase?” If you purchased a jump rope or wrist wraps or some other item that happens to be the same as the item purchased by your WOD buddy, may we recommend you put your name on it. Almost nightly we find equipment floating around after classes are done with no knowledge of whom it belongs to. To avoid lost items tag it with pride. If you are missing something a good place to look first is the Goodwill bin at the front of the gym. Anything we find unnamed we put there. The bins are emptied with their contents donated to Goodwill on the 15th of every month.
Lastly, are you an AA, Adhesive Addict? Do you search for tape on the reg? Do you believe the great white roll has magical powers? We try to supply you with tape however it gets used at the discretion of every member of this gym, hence it's appearance is not guaranteed. Starting next month we will have 2 options for you for purchase, rock tape and white tape. These will be part of the inventory, you can purchase these by filling out the "retail check out sheet" up front.
Your take home message:
Take care of the equipment and it will take care of you.
If it breaks, let us know. The sooner the better.
Rogue turns a profit, so put your name on it.
No name = Goodwill. Goodwill goes bye-bye on the 15th, so check it out.
Adhesive Addicts can soon rejoice.
Happy WODing. Smooches.