Five rounds for time of:
5 Overhead squats 135#(95#)
10 Toes to bar
15 DB hang squat cleans 40#(25#)
20 Double-unders
Post time to BTWB.
We’ve all heard the we should eat organic. Problem is it’s usually more expensive than the non-organic option so it may not be in the budget. We know that organic options expose us to less toxins, provides higher levels of Omega 3’s and antioxidants, and provide more Vitamin A, E , and C than the non-organic, but sometimes price is the determining factor in our selections.
From the Poliquin blog I came across a few simple ideas to make eating organic all the time a more realistic option.. Check out the full blog here.
Here’s the bullet points from the information:
#1: Invest In Organic, Pasture-Raised Meat
Check out the following sources websites for information on safer sources of meat,,, and
#2: During Summer Always Choose Nutrient-Rich, Full-Fat Organic Dairy
#3: Mix & Match Produce Based on Local Options & The EWG Guide
The (EWG)Environmental Working Group provides two lists as part of their guide to pesticide levels on produce: The Dirty Dozen plus Two of foods that are most contaminated by pesticides, and the Clean Fifteen that are cleanest.
#4: Shop Organic For Special Populations: Kids & Pregnant Women
Check out the full article HERE for more information regarding the above information referenced from the Poliquin Blog