Complete as many rounds in 25 minutes
7 muscle ups
11 thrusters, 155#(105#)
14 toes to bar
Post rounds to BTWB.

Strategy in a workout.
Recently I was asked how I plan to attack a workout. I’m sure everyone is different when it comes to the strategy they use, but I figured I’d give an example of my thought process before I hear 3,2,1, go!
The workout I’ll use for an example is one we did recently; 2 rounds for time 50 pull-ups, 75 sit- ups, 50 OHS @ 75#, and 75 sit- ups. Looking at this workout I know that I once I get through the 50 pull-ups I’ll have an upper body rest with the sit-ups. I don’t necessarily want to go to failure on the pull-ups but I know that I can push the limits because the next movement isn’t going to tax my upper body immediately I did 2 sets of pull-ups, 30 and 2o. I take into consideration the movement I’m on and the next movement. Will the next movement be taxing on the same muscle groups as the movement I’m currently on? If so, I’ll dial it back a little so I don’t hit muscle fatigue which would cause me to need to rest, which I hate. Sit-ups are relatively easy to a point, at least that’s what I thought going in. My goal with a high rep count like 75 is to set a consistent pace and go unbroken. That was the plan at least, but as the great Mike Tyson says, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I stayed consistent but did have to stop for a few seconds. That being said, it was only for a few seconds. That’s the thing with movements such as sit ups or air squats, you can always do one more, but sometimes a few seconds of rest is more beneficial than red lining it and having to stop for even longer.
On to the overhead squats. The most difficult movement in the workout for me. I look at weight, 75#, and then I put a number of reps in my head. 26 was my goal. Two sets one of 26 and one of 24 then move on. Once I hit that number, if I feel good I’ll keep going with the goal to get at least 1/2 way + 1 rep through, that way I have less reps to do than I’ve already done. During the OHS I hit 26 and felt good so I was able to do 40 and 10. Again knowing that double unders are next, I was able to push harder. Double unders are a coordination movement for me and knowing the reps are low, 75, I shoot to get them done in one attempt. The 1/2 + 1 rule applies for all the movements though. I try to leave myself less work than I’ve already done.
Round 2 everything goes out the window, it’s all based on how I feel. For example, I did the first round in 7:14 and the second round in 10:15. For the pull ups, I put a rep total, 2o, in my head. I know that if I go for more, I’ll muscle fatigue and require more rest vs. a smaller set that will allow me to recover quicker. The next 30 were 3 sets of 10. The sit ups were a steady battle of suck. Towards the end of the 75 reps I was doing sets of 5 and resting for no more than 3 seconds. That’s the biggest thing, if you need to rest allow yourself to rest, but set a time limit and get right back to it. The second round of OHS, I applied the 1/2 + 1 rule. I made it to 30 before having to put the bar down, rested for a few seconds, and then finished the remaining 20. The double unders were again done in one attempt. That was pure luck, trust me.
In summary, there is strategy that goes into a workout, at least in my opinion. Look at the movements, figure out if the next movement is going to tax the same areas as the movement you’re currently on and base your drive and rest on that. Divide reps up and surprise yourself when you hit your goal and still have some gas in the tank to push harder.
What about you? Do you have a strategy before a workout?
*Tonight we are having a Nutrition Meeting starting at 7:00 PM. The meeting is free so please come and bring any questions you might have.