21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Reps for time of:
Sumo deadlift high pull, 75# (55#)
Thrusters, 75# (55#)
Post time to comments or BTWB.

From Dan:
I wanted to thank all the coaches. I signed up for a half marathon Saturday afternoon and ran it first thing Sunday. It was the Bear Chase event out at Bear Lake in Lakewood. The trail run involved 3 stream crossings and a run up Mount Carbon, not to mention many other steep hills. My training was only CrossFit and a random 6 mile run 2 weeks prior. I finished in 2hr, 17min. I still am struggling to walk a bit but am hoping to be back in the gym later this week. I’m happy to have just finished let alone a respectable time. A testament to CrossFit really preparing you for anything.
A lot of us began doing Crossfit not just to get in shape, or to look better. A big reason was so that we could do things. Like, whatever we wanted to. You want to try rock climbing? Sure, why not. Go on a ski trip? Sweet, I’m ready. You wanna run a half marathon? Seeing as how I inflict torture on myself on a regular basis, sure, why not. The ability to perform randomly whatever life throws at us is Crossfit’s Second Fitness Standard. Imagine for a moment that 30 random exercises are thrown into a hat on pieces of paper (the number 30 is completely arbitrary). The pieces of paper are shaken around to mix them up as much as possible. Then, ten pieces of paper are picked from the hat, and used for your workout. Would a workout like that worry you? It shouldn’t. Every time you walk into Verve, you prepare yourself for just such an event. Routine is our enemy. Because our stimulus is so broad and varied, we become prepared for unforeseeable challenges, as well as the random half marathon!