Start by taking 5% off 1RM bench press, then add 10#
Bench press
75% x5 reps
85% x3 reps
95% x1 reps +
Followed by:
Three rounds for time:
15 Power clean, 135#(95#)
15 GHD sit-up
Post loads and times to comments or BTWB.
What inspires or motivates you?
Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet people that inspire us. It’s not always easy to explain why they inspire us, but they do. Dan is one of those people for me. I’m not sure if it’s his infection and amazing attitude or his willingness to try anything, but I am alway happier after spending a few minutes or a class with Dan. He defies what we perceive as possible and for that, he inspires. Thank you Dan, whether you realize it or not you have given us all a gift.
What inspires all of you? Please post to comments and or link videos!