Bench press
40% x5 reps
50% x5 reps
60% x5 reps (only)
SDLHP 115# (75#)
Ring Dips
Post time to comments or Beyond the White Board.

The new Reebok Nano 2.0’s and OLY shoes are in!
Yay, they’re here! While not all special orders have been filled, I’m assured they will be here soon. The good news is that the new 2.0’s are $10 less the the original 1.0’s at $109.99. With that we’ve decided to put all the older 1.0’s on sale at 20% off, (original cost $119.99, NOW $95.99). The Oly shoes are $149.99. Feel free to try them on. If you decided to get a pair just jot down ALL information on the membership purchases sheet (please include your color and size) and we’ll charge your account. If you need help, feel free to ask us!
Some inspirational thoughts from CrossFit Lisbeths’s WOD (Words of the day)
So your lift sucks.
Begin again.
So your heart is down.
Begin again.
Your job, your romance, your relationships, your bank account, and everything that you think is your life may have just fallen to total and irrevocable shit … but you know what? It’s not really your life. Your life is your heart beating and your lungs filling with air and your brain overflowing with a million thoughts and emotions. If you’re reading this, you’re still breathing. So, pick yourself up off the floor. Wipe the dirt off your butt and … begin again.
Each and every day.
Every single time you fail. Begin again. As long as you draw breath in this world.
Nobody said it was going to be easy for you. Nobody said it was going to be rainbows and roses and (creepy) clowns. Sure, nobody said it would be this hard, either. But you woke up today. So many people were not so lucky.
Begin again, always. Grab hold of that new chance with both hands and don’t you let it go.