For time:
Row 1k
25 Pistols
15 Hang cleans, 185#(125#)
Post time to comments.

How do we get better? Is there a magic formula, pill or code to crack? Many of us wish there were, but the reality of the situation is you have to work hard at anything (insert any life skill/art here) to get better at it. Shocking revelation I know, but you would be surprised at how many of us expect we will stay fit, injury free, and even put out elite athletic performances with average effort. When you think about mastering a skill, how long do you imagine it takes? Take Tai Chi for instance, if you decided today that you wanted to be great at Tai Chi, not the best ever, but better then average, where you can hold your own and feel fluid in the movements. What do you think it would take? How much time? What type of training? A self guided DVD or your very own personal master?
Well one things we know for sure, if you set a goal it’s far more likely that you meet it then if you never set it at all. So we invested in a tool that just might help keep you on track.
Beyond The WhiteBoard is here
Join us! We have recently upgraded our subscription to Beyond the WhiteBoard to include as many Verve members as would like to join this innovative online tracking system. We did the research, tried out different methods and we picked our favorite, so here it is.
What is it? An online tracking system for, your WOD and your food
Why is it cool? Verve enters the WOD and you enter your results
What does it cost? For Verve members $0
Beyond the White Board is an online tracking system started in 2008. Since that time they have been on the forefront innovating their product to include all the things you may need to start tracking. Food, sleep, fish oil, your lifting numbers, WOD’s etc.
Here’s the website, it’s free as a member of Verve, so why the hell not start tracking your progress!