“Fight Gone Bad”
Three rounds for total reps:
Wall ball shots, 20#/14#
Sumo deadlift high pulls, 75#/55#
Box jumps, 20″
Push press, 75#/55#
Row, calories
Rest 1:00
Post time to comments.
What’s on your someday list?
What is it you’ve always wanted out of life? People say they are searching or waiting or someday, what is your someday? A friend of mine recently said to me “Cherie, today… This is your life, not your retirement, not your future today… this is your life!” That got me thinking about all the things I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve always wanted to write a book. Don’t really know what about, but one day! One day I want to Climb the face of Longs peak, even though it scares the bageebees out of me. I would like to finish my degree, surf in Africa, and to climb where when you fall it’s into the ocean. I want a garden that I have the time to figure out how to grow my own food and the time to cook it for all my neighbors. I want to be surrounded by my family and friends and when it’s all said and done I want my life to have meant something, I want to have truly helped people.
Funny how when I sat down and thought about it, nothing that I want involved money or things! I believe this is true for most people. Maybe the money to travel a bit or build my garden, but not tokens of wealth. My tokens of wealth I hope to be my relationships and experiences. So why is it that we chase our tails for things and argue about money, when relationships are where the true wealth lies?
What’s on your someday list? Post to comments!
We’re lucky enough to host Kelly Starett, mobilizing maniac, for an evening at CrossFit Verve. Kelly is going to spend 1.5 hours mobilizing and prepping you for a heavy day WOD that you’re sure to PR. Learn how to manage your mobility to ensure pain free, unrestricted movement. Sign-up now!
If you already signed up for Friday’s classes, please note you will need to sign up again, as the time changed from 1 hour to 1.5!