5 Rounds For Time of:
20 Back squats 135#(95#)
40 Abmat sit ups
Post times to BTWB.

Our own former chef Matt Gintzler will be putting on his knife clinic tonight at 5 pm. Matty will go over his prep skills as well as teach us how to prepare some of his favorites including his pesto. We are at the beginning of our nutrition challenge so come get some prep tips and helpful tips on how to make your time in the kitchen shorter.
Also one of our athletes husbands, Glen Kubiak, created an easy to use spread sheet for the nutrition challenge. Please download here. It totals everything except WODs/week, that has to be added and totaled manually at the end of the Challenge.
Before I get into the meat of this post let me first say I LOVE coffee. As I’m about to fall asleep at night the last thing I think about before falling asleep is that first cup of wonderful liquid. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is head to my coffee maker, put in a new filter, grab the coffee from the fridge, add water and stare and wait. But alas our job with the blog is to present information that we think might be useful or helpful.
The info for this post is taken from Morgan Junction Crossfit and Mike Salemi. The original can be found here.
Here are the key takeaways from my perspective.
Most Americans rank in stage 2 or stage 3 of the Adrenal Stress index. Stage 3 is adrenal exhaustion and stage 4 means your adrenals are in failure when it comes to dealing with stress. Coffee can further stress our adrenal glands which produce cortisol and adrenalin. These hormones aid us in dealing with stress.
Coffee is one of the most chemically sprayed crops. This means that the majority of the coffee we buy in the store is full of toxins. Coffee can also be full of fungus. The best way to combat these is to buy high quality organic coffee. It may be more expensive but it’s worth it.
The average cup of coffee has between 300 – 400 mg of caffeine in it. So what do we do? Espresso is a better option as one espresso shot has between 40 and 70 mg of caffeine. The longer coffee grounds are exposed to water the more potent the coffee becomes.
You should try to avoid coffee after 2 pm. Coffee can interfere with your body’s natural cortisol and melatonin schedule and can disrupt sleep patterns.
So all in all, not so bad. We don’t have to avoid coffee altogether we simply have to make better purchasing decisions, drink choices, and watch when we drink it.