Tabata deadlift, 135#/95#
Run 1 mile
A tabata interval is :20 seconds of work, followed by :10 seconds of rest for a total of eight intervals. Deadlift is to be held at extension during "rest" time. Run time begins at completion of final :20 seconds of work.
Post score and time to comments.
Josh, moving so fast the frame is blurry.
CrossFitters from near and far are invited to attend the CrossFit Open hosted at CrossFit Verve this Saturday from 8:30AM until 1:00PM.
Be at the gym and checked in no later then 30 minutes prior to your heat. Sign up here to attend. Cost is simply a $20 drop-in fee, unless you are a CrossFit Verve athlete.
The Best Shape of My Life Challenge… nearing completion!
Over the past few days, I've noticed more and more Verve athletes looking their best. I mean, thinner, more muscle mass, better looking skin, and even happier. Now it's time to find out if your insides match your good lookin' exteriors.
This Friday and Sunday are your opportunity to get your blood work, pictures, measurements, and a logbook check. Sign up for blood work is located outside of the office and spaces are limited. Because of number of people involved in the Challenge, these are the only days that we can collect all the data, so plan ahead. We can't wait to see the changes you've made!