"Twelve Days of Christmas"
1 Snatch, 95#/65#
2 Pistols
3 Handstand push-ups
4 Burpees
5 Pull-ups
6 Wall ball shots, 20#/14#
7 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg
8 Push-ups
9 Sumo deadlift high pulls, 24kg/16kg
10 Barbell lunges, 95#/65#
11 Push jerks, 95#/65#
12 Toes to bar
This workout will be done with the "Twelve Days of Christmas" played on repeat during the entire workout. You must sing along, whilst keeping in mind that Christmas is in the near future. If you swear too much, a lump of coal will surely meet your stocking.
Post time and thoughts to comments.
Gorgeous ladies, Donna and Kiley.
My Love Affair with CrossFit
I'm pretty sure I have taken my love of CrossFit too far. I know this because of several reasons that I'm going to list below. I hope that you don't judge me, rather you relate to my issues and we can laugh about it over a paleo/Zone meal.
First, I have always been an internet surfer, but never quite like now. Beginning around 6:30pm I hit refresh over and over again until the blog is updated and I'm aware of the pain that will ensue the following day. I read articles about CrossFit like it's my job (which, now it is). I watch videos of people I don't know working out and I find myself holding my breath as I watch. It's disgusting.
Next, I find myself utilizing the foundational movements as much as possible in all walks of life. I deadlift stretchers off the ground with a perfectly maintained midline and power clean any odd object off the ground to shoulder height, making sure to fully open the hip. Probably the weirdest one is box squatting to my desk chair, thinking of Louie Simmons yelling "Back, back, back!!!" in my ear.
Lastly, on numerous occasions I have snuck out of the house to do a quick metcon. For some reason, I feel guilty for escaping for a bit to suffer in silence with a pair of dumbells and a stopwatch. I don't know the science behind why our workouts make me feel better despite the pain, but it does and I love it.
Still, I'm taking the next few days off and I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor. I'm going to go skiing with my wife, I'm going eat without thinking of consequences, and I'm going to take my mind off working out by hanging out with my family and friends. As the new year rolls around, I'm going to attack with a vengeance. I suggest you do the same – happy holidays my obsessed friends.