"Deck of cards"
As a team of four, grab a deck of cards and shuffle them. Face cards are worth 10 reps, aces are worth 11, and all numbered cards are worth their value in reps. Flip a card over and perform the specified movement and number of reps before flipping the next card. Two members of the team perform a flipped card together as the other two members rest. Cycle through the whole deck for time.
Hearts = dumbell snatch, 40#/25#
Diamonds = chest to bar pull-ups
Spades = burpees
Clubs = toes to bar
Jokers = team 400m run
Come join us at 10am for this WOD and post times and teams to comments.
Matt, aka M.J. is gratful for overhead squats.
It is very easy to get wrapped up in the daily happenings of our lives. All the things that are happening right now are of extreme importance and consequence. We do it so often now that it's a habit. There are those special days that special people remind us of why we love what we do and why life is worth the journey. Today we am truly grateful. Our life would not be the same without all of you. You have truly changed us forever. We thank you all for the big and little things you do everyday that make our lives better, happier and all around more worth living - Matt and Cherie.
Things we are grateful for and make our lives better:
- Our athletes, yes you. ALL of you!
- Eachother
- Our family
- Dogs (Bosley in particular)
- The community that surrounds us
- Great overhead squats and dumbells
- Lululemon
- Chalk
- Weightlifting shoes
- CrossFit, Dr. Sears and the Zone diet (really this is true)
- Buddy Lee jump ropes
- Almond butter
- Bars that don't bend and have good whip
- Ben and Jerry's (cheat days wouldn't be the same without them)
- From the Verve ladies: "Workouts that make the boys take their shirts off".
- War paint
- Zac's socks
- Colorado's 300 days of sunshine
- Wallballs that are evenly weighted
- Spaghetti squash
- Love
- Mountains that ask to be climbed, skied, hiked…
- And did we mention all of you?
Happy Thanksgiving!