For time:
21-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Chest to bar pull-ups
Wallball, 20#(14#)
Ab-mat sit-ups
Post time to comments or BTWB

Our next Verve insider that writes a mean blog is Sean Allison. Initially, Sean started his blog – FROM SUBURBAN TO URBAN– to keep his family at home in North Carolina abreast of his adventures in Colorado but it turned into something he really enjoys. Sean’s blog is about his outdoor adventures with his wife and dogs, sprinkles in some humor and lots of other random stuff. Here is a little blurb about Sean and his blog, straight from his blog:
Hello planet earth. My name is Sean. I’m just your average guy trying to live life to the fullest and have some adventure on the way. I’m fortunate to have my beautiful wife Megan and our two crazy dogs at my side. This journey would not be anything without them. From Suburban to Urban is where I hope to share our transition from living in the suburbs of Charlotte, NC for almost 10 years to living an urban lifestyle in Denver, CO. Hopefully you’ll get a laugh out of the blog or find something useful. Or maybe you just want to follow along for the ride. Either way, I promise there will be more on here than just dogs, Crossfit, and beer.
You can see find his blog here.
I am really enjoying featuring Verve members and their lives outside of the gym. If you have a blog and would like to be featured, e-mail
- Kacey will be guiding you through a great yoga session at 11am, so stay after class and get some good mobility in!