6 Rounds for reps:
With a 2 minute running clock:
12 Medicine ball cleans 20#(14#)
6 Handstand push-ups
Then, as many muscle-ups as possible in remaining time
Rest 2 minutes
Post total reps to comments or BTW
Next Verve Outing!!
The next Verve get together will be October 25th @ Urban Acrobatics!
What is Urban Acrobatics? Urban Acrobatics is a multi functional gym and recreation center for cutting edge fitness and creative movement. Featuring Parkour/FreeRunning, Tumbling, Break-dancing, Yoga, Martial Arts, Aerial acrobatics, Birth Day Parties, and so much more. Our focus is to bring fun, fitness, health, and energy back into your life.
What will we be doing? We have the gym reserved from 9am to 11am. We will be coached on different Parkour moves and America Ninja Warrior-style obstacles.
How do you sign up? You will sign up via MindBody like a normal class. When you sign up, you will be prompted to pay $5, Verve is covering the rest of the cost. The class is capped at 25 people, so sign up quick!
Check out this website to check out the gym and what we have in store.
Workout today will be at Commons Park. Here is map to the park: