7am WOD only at Verve, then 9am Outside WOD at Commons Park.
With a continuously running clock do one muscle-up the first minute, two muscle-ups the second minute, three muscle-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Post time to BTWB.

Our December Foundations begins this coming Monday, December 2 at 7pm. It runs on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings until December 12th. It will be our final Foundations Program of 2013. We ask that all athletes attend a minimum of 5 out of 6 classes, cost is $150 total and these consistently fill up fast! This will be our final Foundations Program of 2012!
For the month of December, we’ll be offering a special holiday discount on our Elements sessions to new athletes looking to get started at Verve. These 1 on 1 sessions are an alternative way to get started for athletes who need a little more flexibility in scheduling. Due to the holidays and our abbreviated December Foundations we’ll be offering the four Personal Training sessions for $200 total, a discount of $60 off. Please email us at info@crossfitverve.com to sign up or get scheduled!
Our current holiday sale on all Verve gear and retail we offer runs through Monday evening. 15% off everything. Members only, on-site sales only please.