As a team of 4, complete as many reps as possible in 10:00 of:
40m Prowler push
Deadlift, 225# (155#)
Dumbell push press, 40# (25#)
Box jump, 20″
For this workout, there are 4 stations; prowler, deadlift, push press, and box jump. The pace for rotation is set by the time it takes to complete a prowler push. When that’s completed, all stations rotate. The sum of all the reps completed by team members is the team’s score.
Post team reps to comments or BTWB.

This Sunday July 8 at noon, CrossFit gyms from across Colorado, along with cops from police departments and firefighters from the metro Denver area will be grouping up to do a brutal work out to benefit the family of slain Denver Police Officer Celena Hollis. Cash donations will be accepted. The WOD will be at the soccer fields south of the pavilion at City Park. Parking is at East High School or the Esplanade farmer’s market.