As many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Wallballs 20# (15#)
Snatch 95# (65#)
This workout is completed as a team. You may have two people working at a time. There are no other rules.
Post reps, team and random thoughts to comments.
Luke contemplates the meaning of strength training before game time.
Everyone have a safe and fun 4th of July. If you are headed up to the Anderson's we will see you there. Otherwise, be safe. Check yesterdays comments for information on the morning hike up Mt. Bierstadt.
Save the dates of July 19th and August 9th for swim coaching and WOD's and the Berkley pool. Check out the coming attractions link for more information. Additionally, we hear a hike up Longs Peak is planned for the first week of August. More details to follow.
Be safe!