With a partner:
In 10:00 each partner completes:
1:00 Max calories on bike
1:00 Max calories on ski erg
1:00 Max power cleans 115#(75#)
1:00 Max toes to bar
Partner 2 will get on the bike and go for 1:00 without resetting the screen so there is
a running total. Same for ski erg. For the power cleans, as soon as the 1:00 is up,
Partner 2 will start their 1:00. Same for toes to bar. It’s 8:00 of work and you have 10:00
to get all 4 tests done so you have a little transition time to move to the toes to bar from the
power cleans.
10:00 – 12:00 = Rest. Then at the 12:00 mark complete:
4 Rounds for time of:
Calories on bike
Calories on ski erg
Power cleans
Toes to bar
*You will use the total combined scores from the 1:00 tests and do
that for 4 rounds. Break up however you want.
2:00 Cal bike = 40 cals combined
2:00 Cal ski = 30 cals combined
2:00 Max power cleans = 30 reps
2:00 Toes to bar = 50 reps
The 4 rounds for time would be
40 Cals on the bike
30 Cals on the ski erg
30 Power cleans 115#(75#)
50 Toes to bar