With a partner. 5:00 @ each station with
3:00 rest between
Station 1 = Max hang power clean to overhead
*Pick your own #. Score = reps x weight
Example: Group 1 does 100 reps @ 75#
Their score = 7500
Station 2 = Max rep pull ups, chest to bar pull ups
or bar muscle ups. Pull up = 1 point, C2B = 2 points
Bar muscle ups = 3 points. Score = reps x points
Station 3 = Max cals on bike. 1 partner bikes
the other partner holds a plank on forearms
Station 4 = Max 20 foot prolwer pushes.
20′ down + 20′ back = 2
With A Partner:
Complete The Complex 100 Times:
3 KB Swings
2 Goblet Squats
1 KB Press R + 1 KB Press L
One partner works through the complex while the other rows 400m, switch every 400m.