Partner WOD
100 Box Jumps
80 Squat Cleans 155#(105#)
60 GHD Sit-Ups
40 Sumo Deadlift 225#9155#)
20 Burpee Pull-ups
*1 partner works at a time, the other runs
a 200m and then tags in upon return and
the other partner goes out for a 200m run.
With a partner, complete the following:
Row 2000 meters.
One partner rows, the other holds a plank. Switch every 200
Ski 1000 meters
One partner skis, the other hangs from the pull up bar. Switch
every time the person drops off the bar.
50 Sandbag ground to over shoulder
One person works, the other rests
For the row and ski portions, partner can only work while the other
is in a plank or hanging from the pull up bar.