Partner WOD! FACETIME only unless you live
together. Social Distancing still applies.
For Time:
10 Rounds each of 10 Kettlebell Swings + 10 Plank Burpees
8 Rounds each of 8 SA Russian KBS + 8 KB Front rack lunges
6 Rounds each of 6 KB Snatch + 6 Goblet Squats
4 Rounds of each 4 KB Shoulder-2-OH + 4 Burpee Jumping Lunge
You go, I go format. I do 10 KB swings and plank burpees, then you do 10 KB swings and 10 plank burpee until we’ve each done 10 rounds. Same format all the way through. This is a long one!
*Burpee Jumping Lunge= Burpee + JL on each leg
* Rx = 53#(35#)
No kettlebell, use a dumbbell or other odd object.