In teams of 2 complete the following for time:
100 Deadlifts 135#(95#)
*Bar must be passed at the top of the deadlift, 10 Burpees over the bar penatly if dropped
Run 400 meters together
100 Burpee box jump overs 24″(20″)
*One person works while the other holds a plank, must tap the plank holding partner on the arm to switch
Run 400 meters together
100 Ab mat pull overs with medball 20#(14#)
*If ball is dropped, 10 burpees over the medball penalty
Run 400 meters together
Post times to comments and BTWB
So, whatcha up to after class today? How about some SUPing?
It’s time for some Verve fun in the sun!!
What– Stand up paddle boarding (SUPing)
When– Today from 4pm-6pm
Where– Union Reservoir
How much– $30 for 2 hours
Who– The fabulous members of the fine establishment that is known as “Verve”.
Why– Because it is awesome. And in the words of Amy “OG” Schaeffer, if it is not awesome, do not do it. And since I said this is awesome, henceforthly you should be doing it.
Logistics– Bring sunscreen. Skin cancer and looking like a lobster are not cool. Concerned about the weather? Weather pattern concerns are for the uncool. In the words of Nike, just do it.