In teams of 2 complete the following for time:
50 Deadlifts, 185#(115#)
10 Rope climbs, 15′
40 Shoulder to overhead, 135#(95#)
10 Rope climbs, 15′
30 Syncronized burpees over the bar
10 Rope climbs, 15′
One person works at a time (except during synchronized burpees)
Post times to comments and BTWB
Hey ladies!!!
Femme Royale is a women’s only team competition. It is an event that is put on throughout the US and Verve is lucky enough to be a location picked to host this awesome competition.
“Femme Royale Women’s Competition is about bringing out women who normally wouldn’t compete. Maybe they don’t have the confidence, skill set, or fear competing. We believe that getting women in a challenging yet safe environment they can overcome their fears. Their experience will build confidence and translate into other areas of their lives.”
This is a one day event that will be held at Verve on Saturday August 13th. The Femme Royale competitions are perfect for women of all ages and fitness abilities through the use of three categories of competition: the RX Division, 50/50 Division and the Fun (Scaled) Division. An example of the differences between the divisions is with pull-ups; many women would like to compete more but struggle with stringing together multiple sets of unassisted pull-ups. The 50/50 Division has the standard of unassisted pull-ups – like kipping or butterfly pull-ups – but for those women who still struggle with unassisted pull-ups the Fun Division allows for banded or jumping pull-ups (depending on workout design). The RX would be a more for an advanced athlete, who have competed previously and would be able to perform advanced movements such as muscle ups or handstand ups. Registration includes a competition tank top and there will be prizes for the top teams in each division.
Not all the action for this event will be about the competition. There will be plenty of vendors, food, and music. Guys, are you feeling left out? What better way to support the women in your life then by volunteering to help out while they compete. Verve will need help judging the competition and with equipment for the workouts. Stay tuned for volunteer sign up.
Registration for this event has already gone live. For more information and to get registered, click here.