In teams of 2 complete the following for time:
100 Kettlebell swings, 53#(35#)
400 Meter run together
20 Rope climbs
400 Meter run together
50 Strict handstand push-ups
400 Meter run together
Post times to comments and BTWB
It’s party time!!
Verve is hosting the End Of The Open Party today starting at 12pm. Bring your favorite food, bring your favorite booze, and bring your favorite games. The BBQ will be running out back and the shenanigans will be running inside. It’s your opportunity to pat yourselves on the back, high five your buddy, and toast to a rough, yet fun, 5 weeks of the CrossFit Games Open. Open gym will be cancelled for the day. . . mingle instead. . . you know, without barbells.
**Verve Updates**
Starting Saturday April 16th Verve will be changing it’s Saturday schedule. Everything will be pushed back an hour:
8am WOD
9am WOD
10am WOD
11am-12:30pm open gym
We intend to try this for an entire month. Based on feedback during the month we will decide whether to continue or return to our previous schedule.
Starting April 18th Verve will be introducing Verve Sprint. For 2 weeks this new program will be open to current Verve members to test run. Starting the first Monday in May the Sprint class will have it’s own membership. For additional details please click here.
Sprint schedule:
Monday- Friday 5:45am
Monday- Thursday 5:15pm and 6:15pm
Each class is 45 minutes long.
Verve will be hosting a Level 1 Seminar the weekend of April 16th-17th. Verve will host a 7am WOD Saturday and Sunday morning, Verve will then be closed the remainder of the day.