Working in teams of 2, complete for time:
60 Clean & jerk, 135#(95#)
60 Thruster, 135#(95#)
60 Burpees over the bar
*Only 1 person may work at a time
Post times to comments and BTWB

‘Twas the weekend before Christmas, when all through the gym, not a creature was stirring. . . .
Well actually that’s a lie, if the gym is open, people be stirring.
*We are quickly approaching Christmas, Verve will have an abbreviated schedule this week. So for all you fitness nerds out there that plan to get your sweat on during this festivus time of year. . .
Monday 12/ 21- Business as usual
Tuesday 12/22- Business as usual
Wednesday 12/23 – Business as usual
Thursday 12/24 (Christmas Eve)- 7:30am WOD, 5pm WOD, 6pm WOD & Skilz, 7pm WOD, and 8pm open gym are CANCELED. We are doing the “12 Days Of Christmas”.
Friday 12/25 (Christmas Day)- We have 1 class @ 10am. The schedule originally said “open gym”, it is being changed. This will be a 1 hour long WOD.
Saturday 12/26- Business as usual
*Please plan accordingly. And per the usual standard of practice, please go to MBO and sign up for any class you wish to attend.
*If you are having trouble accessing MBO through your phone app, please abandon your phones momentarily and go to the schedule online on a computer. App troubles are no reason to not sign up for/ cancel coming to a class. (On a side note, MBO did a large update. If you have been having app problems, you may need to update your phone)
*We will also have an abbreviated schedule on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, please check MBO.