It Takes A Team Challenge

Here is a time line for the day:
8am– athlete briefing for WOD #1 & WOD #2
8:45am– Welcome and intros
9am– Heat 1, WOD 1 starts
10:15am-11am– Break between WODs, time for “Donut touch my wall ball” spectator challenge
11am– Heat 1 WOD 2 starts
12:45pm– Athlete briefing for WOD #3, immediately following last heat of WOD #2
1pm- 1:20pm– Break between WODs, raffle prizes announced, must be present to win
1:20pm– Heat 1 WOD 3 starts
3:20pm– End of all heats. Remaining raffle prizes will be announced, must be present to win
3:45pm– Awards for top 3 women’e teams, top 3 men’s teams, and a spirit of the competition team
Click here for the leaderboard
We will have vendors from:
The Cassette Company
Genesis Performance & Recovery
Monument Gear
Brute Force
We will have food from Progressive Paleo, beer from Great Divide, and Kill Cliff on hand.
Raffle prizes include:
$100 Reebok Gift Cards
Crossover Symmetry Kits
Reebok Cordura Backpacks
Cases of Fuel for Fire
OSO Barbell Clips
Reebok Nano’s
Brute Force Sandbag
Suerte Tequila