5 Rounds for max burpees:
With a 3 minute running clock, 100m plate pinch carry, 35#(25#)
With time remaining perform as many burpees to stacked plates as possible
Rest 1 minute
*Score is total number of burpees from all 5 rounds
Post reps to comments and BTWB

There are a lot of activities on the horizon, get your calendars out and start marking ’em up.
*Verve is closed this weekend to host a Level 1 Seminar. We will have one WOD at 7am on both days, sign up on MBO.
*Saturday November 14th Jake’s is hosting the DeVito Strong Fundraiser and Party, from 5pm-8pm. For more details click here.
*Saturday & Sunday November 21st & 22nd MBS CrossFit is hosting the Turkey Challenge in Broomfield. Verve has 7 teams signed up for the event as well as a handful of individual competitors. Grab your cold weather gear and head up there to cheer our peeps on!! For more details click here.
*Thursday November 26th is Thanksgiving Day. Verve will have an abbreviated schedule on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Be sure to check MBO for class times and get signed up.
*Sunday December 6th Josh Wrede at Til Death Tattoos will be hosting the DeVito Strong Tattoo Fundraiser. Pick from a selection of set designs and get inked for $100 by one of Denver’s best. All proceeds go to the DeVito Strong Fund. For more details click here.
*Saturday December 12th Verve is hosting it’s first competition!! The “It Takes A Team Challenge” is an all day team competition. All 32 teams sold out within 27 hours. We will be posting a sign up sheet soon for volunteers to help with the event. Otherwise head on down to watch, have a few beers, and even get in on some fun spectator challenges. For more details click here.