For time:
6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps muscle-ups
1-2-3-4-5-6 Reps squat snatch, 135#(95#)
Post times to comments and BTWB

I like activities. Activities are my favorite.
*Saturday November 14th- Jake’s will be hosting the DeVito Strong Party and Fundraiser starting @ 5pm. It will be featuring a silent auction, raffle and drink specials. All of the money raised will go towards Sarah DeVito’s fund. Click here for the Facebook event page for more details.
*Saturday & Sunday November 14th-15th- Verve will be hosting a Level 1 Trainer Course. We will provide an early morning WOD and then be closed the remainder of the day. Stay tuned for reminders.
*Saturday & Sunday November 21st-22nd- CrossFit MBS is hosting the Turkey Challenge in Broomfield. Verve has 7 teams registered to compete. Start dusting off your cold weather gear and get ready to scream loud.
*Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday November 26th-27th– Verve will be hosting classes over Thanksgiving, however we will have an abbreviated schedule. Please see MBO for a list of class times. Be sure to sign up sooner than later to claim a spot in class and earn your Thanksgiving Turkey.
*Saturday December 12th– Verve will be hosting a 3 person team competition as a fundraiser event for Sarah DeVito. Stay tuned for Monday’s blog post with all the details. Mark your calendars now!!