4 Rounds for time:
21 Calorie row
11 Power clean, 85#
28 Wallball shots, 20#
8 Power snatch, 85#
Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB

*Today is Andrew Schwiesow’s memorial WOD. Any and all are welcome to join. Even anyone that has not done a CrossFit workout before. We can absolutely scale/ modify this workout to allow you to participate. We will not be asking for any drop in fees, rather we will ask that you simply donate to the scholarship fund that has been created for Andy’s children Bella (3) and Charlie (1). Donations can be made out to LUMC and in the memo line it needs to state “Bella and Charlie Schwiesow fund”. We will also take cash donations.
*When you finish the workout at Verve, you can head over to Front Range CrossFit and cheer on two Verve teams as they compete in the Do More Charity Challenge competition going on all weekend. Click here for location details.
*The next, and final, Team Series workouts will be announced the week of October 6th.
*Saturday October 17th Verve will be hosting the EOD Memorial WOD for all the Saturday classes. Stay tuned for more details.