As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
3 Deadlift, 315#(205#)
3 Bar facing burpees
Rest 3 minutes
As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 Deadlift, 275#(185#)
5 Bar facing burpees
Rest 3 minutes
As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
Bar facing burpees
Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB

Yo Verve, what’s the haps?
-We have a change in the schedule this weekend. Because all the trainers are headed to Winter Park this weekend for the Adventure Race, Verve will have a guest coach. Trevor will be coming to us from CrossFit Roots in Boulder to lead classes.
–There is NO Open Gym Saturday. Classes are at 9am, 10am, and 11am.
–We have subbed in an Open Gym on Sunday from 11am-12:30pm.
–Saturday August 29th- Sunday August 30th Verve will be closed to host the CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Course. There will be 1 WOD at 7am.
–Saturday August 29th The Rino Beach Club is hosting Denver’s first annual Post Workout Party. They will have a WOD at 10am on the beach and then the party starts from 11am-4pm. $5 cover. #GymTanBeach
–Sunday August 30th Ververs are heading to Evergreen for some stand-up paddle boarding and other fun in the sun, from 8am-10pm.
–Saturday September 5th- Sunday September 6th Verve will be closed to host the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course. There will be 1 WOD at 7am. CrossFit Lodo has again been kind enough to open it’s doors to Verve members at no cost. They will have 2 classes posted on Saturday and 2 on Sunday for Verve members to attend. We will give more details and put out a sign up sheet as time gets closer.
–Monday September 7th is Labor Day. Verve will have an abbreviated schedule that day.