“31 Heroes”
As many rounds as possible in 31 minutes of:
8 Thursters, 155#(105#)
6 Rope climbs, 15′
11 Box jumps, 30″(24″)
This is a partner workout. Partner #1 will begin the AMRAP while partner #2 runs 400m w/ weight, 45#(25#). When partner #2 gets back, they will tag out partner #1. Partner #2 continues working on the AMRAP where #1 left off and partner #1 goes for a 400m run w/ weight.
Post rounds and reps to comments and BTWB

**Verve is hosting the 31 Heroes WOD today!! We have 2 class times, 9am & 10:30am. Please sign up on MBO to get a spot, this includes non Verve members. We would like to have a head count to prepare. All are welcome, we can scale for those who are new to CrossFit. We will not be charging a drop in fee but rather we ask that you go to www.31heroes.com and donate instead. Registering on their website is different from reserving a class spot on MBO. At the 31 Heroes website you can register and receive a t-shirt. If you are unable to get registered at 31 Heroes, we will also accept donations at Verve. The WOD is a partner WOD, bring a buddy, or be prepared to get paired up when you get to the gym, no one WODs alone!! For the 31 Heroes website, click here.
Saturday August 15th– The O2X Summit Challenge in Winter Park. The sign up sheet is at the front desk @ Verve.
Sunday August 30th– Stand up paddle boarding outing from 8am-10am in Evergreen.
Saturday August 29th & Sunday August 30th– Verve is hosting the CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Course. Changes to the schedule will be made and announced as the seminar gets closer. Aside from 1 morning class, however, Verve will be closed the rest of the day. You can still get signed up for the seminar if you are interested, for more info click here.
Saturday September 5th & Sunday September 6th– Verve is hosting a Level 1 Trainer Course. Changes to the schedule will be made and announced as the seminar gets closer. Aside from 1 morning class, however, Verve will be closed the rest of the day. You can still get signed up for the seminar if you are interested, for more info click here.