In teams of 2 complete the following for time:
Run 800 meters
50 Front squats, 115#(75#)
50 Bar facing burpees
40 Shoulder to overhead, 115#(75#)
40 Lateral hops over the partner
30 Deadlifts, 115#(75#)
30 Bar facing burpees
20 Power cleans, 115#(75#)
20 Lateral hops over partner
Run 800 Meters
Post times to comments and BTWB

All the happenings at Verve. . . get ready for some fun!!
Saturday August 8th- 31Heroes WOD @ Verve.
CrossFit Verve has registered to host the 31Heroes WOD on Saturday August 8th. We will have 2 classes, 1 at 9am and 1 at 10:30am. Verve opens these classes to those outside of Verve as an opportunity to workout in remembrance. We charge no drop in fee, we simply ask that instead you donate to the 31Heroes project. If you do not have any CrossFit experience, that’s okay, the beauty of CrossFit is that is infinitely scalable, we just ask that you let us appropriately scale you. We promise no matter what work you do, it will be hard and absolutely be a great workout. This is an amazing opportunity to come together as a community and do one of the things we do best. . . support each other. Support our community and the men and women who serve it, defend it, and sacrifice for it.
So please join us, get signed up on MBO and reserve your spot while you can. Non Verve members need to sign in as well!! You can also get registered at the 31Heroes website and get a t-shirt with your donation. For more information about the WOD, get registered, and donate, click here. Pick Verve as your gym when you register!! It’s a partner WOD, so it’s even more important you bring a buddy.
Saturday August 15th– The O2X Summit Challenge in Winter Park. The sign up sheet is at the front desk @ Verve.
Sunday August 30th– Stand up paddle boarding outing from 8am-10am in Evergreen. The sign up sheet is also at the front desk @ Verve. It will be $5 per Verve member.
Saturday August 29th & Sunday August 30th– Verve is hosting the CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer Course. Changes to the schedule will be made and announced as the seminar gets closer. Aside from 1 morning class, however, Verve will be closed the rest of the day. You can still get signed up for the seminar if you are interested, for more info click here.
Saturday September 5th & Sunday September 6th– Verve is hosting a Level 1 Trainer Course. Changes to the schedule will be made and announced as the seminar gets closer. Aside from 1 morning class, however, Verve will be closed the rest of the day. You can still get signed up for the seminar if you are interested, for more info click here.