In Teams of 2 perform the following:
100 Deadlifts 135#(95#)
100 Wall Balls 20#(14#)
50 Hang Power Cleans 135#(95#)
50 Toes to Bar
25 Shoulder to overhead 135#(95#)
25 Syncronized hand release push ups
Post times to comments and BTWB
So much room for so many more activities!! Verve has a ton of stuff coming up. . .
*Saturday June 6th @ 8am Verve is hosting a community WOD. This is the best opportunity for anyone who has been wondering about this fun thing called CrossFit is and what Verve is all about.
*A foundations class will start the following Monday, June 8th, for those wanting to get started at Verve after the community WOD blew their mind!! Foundations runs M/T/Th from 7pm-8pm for 2 weeks.
*Verve is hosting the CrossFit Level 2 Seminar June 13th & 14th. Verve will have a 7am WOD at Verve both days, and closed for the remainder of both days. Wanna sleep in? Saturday we will have 2 pool WODs at Glenarm Rec Center @ 9:30am and 10:30am. Sign up on MBO.
*The Cherry Creek Triple Threat team competition will be going on June 13th & 14th at Cherry Creek CrossFit. Verve has several teams signed up, stop by and cheer them on!!
*Verve will be hosting several nutritional lectures/ events over the summer. Stay tuned to Monday’s blog for more details.
*Verve is hosting the CrossFit Football Seminar July 11th & 12th. Go to Verve’s events page for more information and to register.