Partner “McGhee”
As many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
5 Deadlift, 275#(225#)
13 Push-ups
9 Box jumps, 24″(20″)
*1 person works at a time. Partner 1 will complete a whole round while partner 2 rests, then switch. Partner 1 will then rest while partner 2 completes a full round, then switch again.
Post rounds to comments and BTWB
What is going down in the land of Verve, you ask.
*Monday is Memorial Day, Verve will have a limited class schedule, please make sure to sign up on MBO to reserve your spot in class.
*The WOD on Memorial Day will be “Murph”. We would like to invite all current/ former military personnel to join a class at no charge. If you do not have any CrossFit experience, that’s okay, please be prepared to have the workout modified slightly, however you will still get quite the sweat on!! If you have gear/ vest you would like to wear, please bring it. We ask that you show up 10 minutes prior to the start of class to meet the trainer and sign a waiver.
*Our next free intro class will be Saturday June 6th at 8am. Got friends or family that have been expressing an interest in CrossFit? This is the perfect class to bring them to!!
*Our next foundations will start the following Monday, June 8th, at 7pm. Foundations runs for 2 weeks M/T/Th at 7pm. This is for new members to learn the 9 foundational movements as well as the 2 Olympic lifts in a group atmosphere.
*Verve is hosting a Level 2 Seminar the weekend of June 13th-14th. Verve will have an early morning class and then be closed for the rest of the day.
*Looking for something to do on that weekend since the gym is closed? The Cherry Creek Triple Threat will be going on that weekend. Verve has several teams registered, come out and cheer them on!!
See? I told you there was a bunch of stuff. Have an awesome weekend everyone!!