7am WOD only at Verve. Adult Gymnastics 8am off-site, see below.
5 rounds for time:
1,000-m row
30 hip extensions
30 GHD sit-ups
Post to comments and BTW.

Adult Gymnastics class offsite 8am-9:30am at 5280 Gymnastics North Gym 10601 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
A great environment to practice handstands, flips, cartwheels, bar work, beams, muscle-ups and tumbling, and you’ll have fun doing it! All Verve athletes drop-ins will be covered as needed. Please arrive 5 min early to sign waivers.
6pm CrossFit Games Open 14.2 WOD at Verve. Sign up on MBO. Full class warm-up and heats, see you there!
***Reminder that if you are competing in the Open, you need to have your score for 14.1 submitted by 6pm on Monday. Submit your score here.
*** Reminder that Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday morning. Set your clocks forward Saturday night!